
Showing posts from 2019


Universe WTF? I know, I know. The Universe. Well, yes that is kind of a big thing, so is a strongly possible life-changer. Earth, is but a proton type member of this universe (tiny). Britain is what in comparison to the Universe isn’t even a proton. A small country really. BUT. There are smaller countries, one of which I have visited once only; well currently anyway. Throughout the last 8ish years, I have read stuff I had previously wouldn’t have my cup of tea. But my life journey hasn’t been ‘as planned’. Some may claim that said reading material is “hippy’ish” or similar, i.e. being of the spiritual variety (and business), and despite that, I am referring to belief in… the power of the attraction! One of the books is called The Secret and is pretty famous. 10 million copies worth of fame to be more specific: “The  book  is based on a pseudo-scientific theory called the “law of attraction” – the principle that “like attracts like.” Spe...

PIP and Introversion?

PIP and Introversion? I is back init! Well, that’s not a true for many a reason. Yes, I am back – writing a blog – for some reason. A reason. As per the title mention of that bastard PIP ‘benefit’ and the negative affects it has had and is having on me. I’m writing now in a fairly negative mood; which is something I do not like being in. Let’s go back some weeks ago. I returned home from a course of sorts – Living with a Long Term Health Condition , CBT type – to be welcomed to a brown envelope. I knew that was it, having spent 6 years living with post anxiety. So, what that meant was for me to apply for the benefit, I had to phone and thereafter start to amass support evidence of and about me and my condition with its effects on me. Being pretty clued-up with and about these shenanigans through my MS community involvement (locally, nationally, social media etc), I thought I was prepared. Oh, my word. I did not realise just how much stress and anxiety that w...

Meditation Translation

Phonetic Geordie Meditation Translation Get ye sell comfy. Best to sit on yer arse, on a cushion or owt if want, and think that thaz summic like pulling ya heed from the middle to the roof. Good for back position, serious. Feet on the floor please an aal. Get yourself into a comfortable position. Sitting on a cushion, a chair, lying on the back if prefer, and think of a piece of string attached to your head from the middle to the ceiling. This is to help keep the spine straight, with a good for the back position. Try and keep your feet on the floor too. Reet. Take a muckle slow breath in.  Had it aal in for a while, boot coont of 4.  Slowly blah it aal oot slowly, coont of 8ish. Dee it again like, just divvent hurry. It's reet under our noses.  And again twice owa. When you are comfortably positioned, take a big slow breath in. Hold it in for a relaxed count of 4. Then slowly exhale for count of 8 if possible, or just whatever is comfortable. Do this again...
Staggering I know that I have not ‘produced’ any writing for a while, not without reason; different stories there. Anyway 7 months is long enough. A 7-month hike, err, obviously; not. Hike. Something I can say never did to my memory, without doubt not in the last many years. Why? If you don’t know why, it’s because I have never been a walker, let alone a hiker and now living with MS for over half my life has changed a lot of life . In this case, I’m bouncing (ha) off the word “ hike ” into the more common word and activity “ walk ”. Let me explain a bit. In a nutshell, if you didn’t know; I may have been living with Multiple Sclerosis – MS – for over half my life now. It wasn’t ‘formally’ diagnosed until I was a tender, ahem, 23 but it was spied (by a great friend and now qualified neuro-doctor) initially in 1997/8 – I was then not 23. Now, some moons later, and having gone through the denial process that comes post-diagnosis e t c (more stuff elsewhere on the...