
Universe WTF? I know, I know. The Universe. Well, yes that is kind of a big thing, so is a strongly possible life-changer. Earth, is but a proton type member of this universe (tiny). Britain is what in comparison to the Universe isn’t even a proton. A small country really. BUT. There are smaller countries, one of which I have visited once only; well currently anyway. Throughout the last 8ish years, I have read stuff I had previously wouldn’t have my cup of tea. But my life journey hasn’t been ‘as planned’. Some may claim that said reading material is “hippy’ish” or similar, i.e. being of the spiritual variety (and business), and despite that, I am referring to belief in… the power of the attraction! One of the books is called The Secret and is pretty famous. 10 million copies worth of fame to be more specific: “The book is based on a pseudo-scientific theory called the “law of attraction” – the principle that “like attracts like.” Spe...