Orbital Optical Delusion

Orbital Optical Delusion As soon as I saw that Orbital were releasing another album I had to pre-order as soon as possible. That was last year (2022). Cometh the day, the hour, 17th February 2023; cometh their 10th album! It dropped through my letter box - CD, and actually a day early! - so listening sessions were planned. I scribbled some notes per tune in my journalistic fashion - ahem - that I have left as they are. Basic. Ringa Ringa Beautiful and haunting ghostly voice, layered on bouncy Orbital sounds that pull and stretch you. Freddie's coming to get you! Lured in 👏 Day One Another featuring a different, but equally stunning haunting voice. This time obviously balanced with the actual tune stabs, giving a well rounded dark hitter! A void will suck you in. Are You Alive The vocal! Lush. No haunting in it, but with the mid-range it's thoroughly gripping. The break in the beat - attention deepen-er - then your back into the journey, as the voice gets an element of lost i...