
Showing posts from May, 2016


Living with MS Edinburgh  travel ! Saturday 21 st  May 2016, the day of the titled event  Living with MS Edinburgh . I had had the ticket for this event for a couple of months and was looking forward to it! Edinburgh City What I hadn’t been looking forward to (initially!) was a night of next to no kip,  maybe an hour maybe 2. One of those nights but howay man, not before a choice event in Edinburgh! I gave into being awake at approximately 4am and picked up the book ‘No Excuses No Limits’ which I had been meaning to finish for months! I was reminded of Paul (the author) though and my time spent volunteering with him, and also got me looking forward to meeting someone for a Social Media Support role with the  WEA  in the week ahead, and looking further into another job application too. Thoughts! Anyway, I turned my alarm off (having not been woken up by one for a long time!), got up etc. and received a text from my due taxi at 6:18, n...