Living with MS Edinburgh travel!

Saturday 21st May 2016, the day of the titled event Living with MS Edinburgh. I had had the ticket for this event for a couple of months and was looking forward to it!

Edinburgh city
Edinburgh City

What I hadn’t been looking forward to (initially!) was a night of next to no kip, maybe an hour maybe 2. One of those nights but howay man, not before a choice event in Edinburgh!

I gave into being awake at approximately 4am and picked up the book ‘No Excuses No Limits’ which I had been meaning to finish for months! I was reminded of Paul (the author) though and my time spent volunteering with him, and also got me looking forward to meeting someone for a Social Media Support role with the WEA in the week ahead, and looking further into another job application too. Thoughts!

Anyway, I turned my alarm off (having not been woken up by one for a long time!), got up etc. and received a text from my due taxi at 6:18, not 6:40! So I got to central station earlier than expected and just as well!

hTC broken screen
Smashed :-(
As my hTC got damaged at the Horror festival (blog coming soon!) I attended the week before, I was somewhat relegated to my 3rd-hand iPhone 3G – that isn't so smart these days – I was reminded that I had booked my train tickets as ‘smart tickets’ requiring a certain App in support. Yip, said 3G couldn't download that App just being too damn old! Just what I needed with time running out before my train was due and having NO tickets!

Thankfully Kelbel who I was travelling with arrived (after me and a lot of attempted ticket-failures) and when actually on the train and on the way up, got the download on her phone just after the inspector had passed me. Phew. He came back for the scan!

I took my seat with my shit phone (which does perform as a basic phone and some net v slowly), no book, no tunes, no company, but a notebook and pen and began writing this. I intended to keep some ink for actual MS writings but actually enjoyed my 1sttravel blog’ (ha)! Silver linings!

So, how was the day!? Brilliant. There wasn't a single part – apart from being cut off from real-time digital social media! – I didn't enjoy or find informative; networked and loved the food too!

Thank you for reading this; stay tuned as the event blog is coming very soon!


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