
Showing posts from February, 2023

Early 2023 MS

Early 2023 MS A quick rant of realisation. This year, certain things - MS things - have made me realise further about my bastard condition, illness, disability, whatever. Thankfully nothing too dramatic at all, just me being an overthinking twat. Falls A couple of; internally and externally  Fatigue Showing its head all for the more Cognition Noticing how it’s worsening; in my head lol Yet, it is the winter season and I am all too aware of that. These days it affects me more. MS affliction and joints too (wear and tear, fair cop)! A few things: That I feel the need to walk more (knees disagree) I should 'somehow' socialise more Watch less TV (mental and financial benefits!) Be more mindful of my balance Keep searching for motivation with improvement Always accept more; Wembley* is a no-go Grab back some self esteem And that’s a few?! Well, yes. Always more. I’m human. Who’s not. I’m not going to waffle on here about the above ‘list’. However, there is one worthy - at time...

Confident posture

Confident Dynamic Posture   Now at time of writing I'm 45 years young, and possibly having had MS as a living companion since I was 19, maybe younger. Something that affected my confidence? Well, partially? I have said several times about my life with multiple sclerosis which was never on the plan. However, due to my age and experience with this unwanted guest now, I can reflect back on some of life, with erm, thought! lol In a word; 'confidence'. Is that linked directly to MS? Well it CAN be . And I know that personally. Yet, here's a long-term memory (yikes. 26 years ago (not that long-term!)!) Running. Seriously! As I have a great relationship with MSRRF , a PT I see there to help with MS physicalities made me realise that yes, I do lean backwards; normally . That itself aligns with something even said to me a good few years ago by a friend. I 'had a reason for' that. So I thought. 'Leaning'. My previous blog. I mentioned: "That itself aligns wi...