
Showing posts from May, 2017

Music. Diverse Electronica

Diverse electronica This is a self-titled genre by me! Not unique granted, but as is it random, varied, different, weird… I know I love it! Beeps and bops? A branch of Techno. (I don’t like the description IDM. (Intelligent Dance Music)) Yes please. It is not all ‘good’ I know that but then what genres are there that ALL respective music is good? Exactly. As I have said in a previous   music blog, I first discovered these sounds at University, circa 1996. I knew there and then I liked it a lot. A great deal in fact, and still do to this day. What is this genre? Here are some examples of what and who I listen to: •           Autechre •           Boards of Canada •           Aphex Twin •           μ -ziq •           Clark •  ...

Majorca 2017

Majorca 2017 As of writing this blog – late again; I know – celebrating a small break in the sun on foreign shores, it’s been and gone as holidays do after returning home for a few days! Ok, I saw an offer of a 3-night holiday in Cala Bona , Majorca at a very reasonable cost within my somewhat limited riches, so I put forward my interest to the responsible travel agent. Yes, it (the deal) was for 2 people, but at the cost I had to enquire having not been away since April 2015 (2 years). The ball was set in motion. As I had seen the fantastic offer on Facebook initially and knowing that the agent ( Leanne ) was known and recommended by my sister Sharon, I did a/the/that tagging thing just for some thoughts… Ideally in my mind (selfish?!) it would have been a perfect break for myself and my better half Sara, who works in a school, so holidays said no to that, but as it was an offer for 2, the booking went ahead anyway! What I did not expect was for Sharon to vest intere...