Day of the Tiffin!

Day of the Tiffin! For my first ‘main meal’ blog is a tad sweeter than any main ever; I’d expect. The ‘easy recipe’ for a Tiffin ( bastardised* into a cake!) was put to me as a starter on my/this blogging journey. I wilfully accepted. I do believe I have, and follow a health(ish) diet even though I thoroughly love food in all of its forms and types, that does include the odd bit of sweet over-indulgence now and again. So, I simply had to investigate this Tiffin thing! Oh. My. Word. It looks fabulous and equally fabulously wrong when the ingredients are considered. However, the list I first saw is for a cake for 12. Phew. That was a relief. Or so I thought! I mentioned the constructive word “easy” and on paper that is exactly what it is, or at least should be. Butter-fingers may disagree a bit; pun intended, forgive me! The easy basic recipe is that this ‘cake’ requires NO baking at all, being literally a construction using the easiest method/s! So why mention a...