
Showing posts from September, 2017

Day of the Tiffin!

Day of the Tiffin! For my first ‘main meal’ blog is a tad sweeter than any main ever; I’d expect. The ‘easy recipe’ for a Tiffin ( bastardised* into a cake!) was put to me as a starter on my/this blogging journey. I wilfully accepted. I do believe I have, and follow a health(ish) diet even though I thoroughly love food in all of its forms and types, that does include the odd bit of sweet over-indulgence now and again. So, I simply had to investigate this Tiffin thing! Oh. My. Word. It looks fabulous and equally fabulously wrong when the ingredients are considered. However, the list I first saw is for a cake for 12. Phew. That was a relief. Or so I thought! I mentioned the constructive word “easy” and on paper that is exactly what it is, or at least should be. Butter-fingers may disagree a bit; pun intended, forgive me! The easy basic recipe is that this ‘cake’ requires NO baking at all, being literally a construction using the easiest method/s! So why mention a...

Blog about a blog

Blog about a blog It’s now fast (feels like anyway) approaching autumn 2017 and I have achieved a blogging target! May not seem like a massive target to some, but 10+k views make me happy and it’s down to you guys – humongous (recently heard the word!) thanks! The subject title - “Blog about a blog” - Another confusing one? Would you expect anything else! I know there are other clearer ones… As I have no clear ‘event’ or similar to rattle on about, I will touch on some of my passions and their blog subject intent. Looking at the About Me tab on my page , we have ‘Sport’ up top. More focused on Newcastle United Football Club (NUFC) really, and my early claim that “This will be an ongoing blog!”. Yet to start that I know. It is coming; with the Premiership title! Calm down Roj, dreaming is allowed. Champions League spot? Music . Pretty well covered with blogs as-is, but there is and will be no end in my musical journey. The day that ends, I will cry! Might have...


Waffle At time of writing this waffle, it is the 9 th month of the year already. That’s September if you don’t know! How the hell did that happen (so fast!)? I know in my nerdy view on things – ‘time fractions’ – get smaller as time itself goes on. Getting older! Anyway, back to the kitchen. Not really but that is where you’d make a waffle right? Not to someone who does gibber?! I.e. ‘ waffle ’! But waffle I do and waffle with positive purpose! Last month, “a couple or 3” (questionable phrase I’ve known/heard for years!) of different things have been encouraging. "What, why?" Obviously (ahem) centred around my living with MS . The most notable was in the gym . I lifted a car equivalent! Not. I was talking with an instructor - Laura - and getting advice on how to do certain exercises better, that would help me improve my technique and therefore what I was aiming to…improve?! Without going into a ‘gym-bore’, they (the pointers/corrections/telling-o...