
Showing posts from December, 2023


  Ocrevus . Notes 1 The infusion was completed at 1pm, and I was asked to wait for 15 minutes after the cannula had been removed. I was told to take it easy for the rest of the day, that'd I'd be tired. Body not used to the new drug, nor my mind, given that I had been anxious about #Ocrevus day. Ok then, I'll accept a lazy day. Was planning a curry takeaway anyway! I am tired. A few nights of bad / poor sleep. Ocrevus. Notes 2 Second infusion (second half dose) done by 1ish. Then again asked to rest for the day. Yes, as per, I was tired. #Anxiety due to an earlier taxi booking (for 07:20), with the small alarm fear! And also a few wake-ups during the night. Usual, but! Prepared with laptop, phone (obviously), headphones, sarnie, bottle of water, and chargers in case. And a BBCi downloaded film. The same as my first unknown Ocrevus trip. Slower start than last infusion, but after the paracetamols and antihistamine, the weak steroid infusion did its thing for half an hour; wi...


AlterG The what? A brand name? About? A truly, truly, amazing invention - a NASA invention - to allow a human to effectively experience movement WITHOUT GRAVITY! I kid you not. The following words should explain this a shit-load better!: Calibrated Differential Air Pressure AlterG ® Anti-Gravity Treadmill™ technology combines precision unweighting technology with real-time gait analytics and video feedback. No other unweighting technology offers as much precision, accuracy and comfort than AlterG. Better?! Obviously! The one word I missed was Treadmill! Doh! Well, I’ll stop there regarding my initial description of this superb piece of brilliance. Click on the linked text above or forthcoming pictures for more (no commission for me!). Wikipedia - AlterG After an initial ‘test’ of some of my abilities - set the control - I began a week later (on 4 subsequent Wednesdays) - and my eyes were opened! 1st Session I didn’t make notes directly after that session! Another MS meeting took those...

MS blog October 2023

  MS blog October 2023 25/9/23 This week of this, bad sleep, fatigue, affecting speech - #Dysphasia - and fatigue linked problems like forgetting to do certain things, eg. Download Toon ticket properly! Tired.                                                 04/10/23 (Wednesday) Again bad sleeps, bad #fatigue. Here's the thing. More notable 'cognitive overthinking' in that I am not on the money. Yet, was fine for the #MS #Zoom on Monday night. And starting to unintentionally upset Catherine, and therefore me too.   FB post:   #Tysabri At time of writing, I am pretty bloody next-level-tired. Or feeling fatigued, in the #MS world. Those who know that; know. Yes, I AM saying that #MS #Fatigue IS different to ‘just’ being tired. Who am I to say that? Someone who has lived with the twat (#MultipleSclerosis) for maybe 26 years now. Maybe more. I don’t know. S...