
Showing posts from December, 2017


Swimming! A quick blog, about me and a return to swimming. After an amazing email that I received on Sunday (10/12/17) informing me that I had been accepted to attend the Oceans of Hope Challenge2018 , I knew that I had to test and improve my swimming. I have not swum at all since Hurghada 2015 and even that wasn’t much, and was the first time I had swam for four years.  So, I planned on making a splash ASAP! At time of writing, it is my ‘ Tysabri week’ and usually the most challenging week for myself when it comes to physical activity. But after the email… No choice Roj!!! Oceans of Hope is going to be an amazing experience, clearly a blog or two by itself. Back to me! This is where it gets different; a bit. Upon arrival at the gym , for the pool (obviously), I headed to get changed, as one does. Found a locker put 20p in started to get ready there and then had to change into shorts, into disabled changing cubicle needed bag from locker which ...