Life ‘persona’ acceptance.

Life ‘persona’ acceptance. After receiving some excellent counselling with Pete , it has helped me massively realise some of my ‘framework personality’; whatever the hell that is (I made it up), just sounded like a fitting’ish thing! Well, adding to that ( above ) mud paragraph ( as clear as... ), I’ll share a social media status update, from the day following recent a recent session with Pete: Facebook status 04/02/21: ”Maybe this counselling is starting to have notable positive effects on me. Could be the red wine last night; it'd been a while! Honest! Acceptance, and possibly an/my identity finally found, I think. Before any judgement.... Introvert. A type of an introvert. Makes so much sense to me. People have described me as 'quiet' in certain places & situations, which internally I refuted. I am not that bloody quiet, I know. Therewith lies the 'however'. More to follow when I find the volume controls!” I have always bee...