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Is what it is

Is what it is

IT IT IT! There is no “It” in the title. Well, apart from actually making up the word “tITtle”! Not a mistake.

When chatting about whatever, and #MS comes up as pretty usual when at an MS Social, that phrase is an acknowledgement of acceptance (canny phrase itself!).

By saying it, we know that we do know what we/it mean/s. Good repeatability there!

For myself, even by voicing it with another understanding MSer, it’s like a ‘mutual respectful recognition’ sharing. Acceptance.

Here’s a tangent. I have recently started with Ocrevus as my DMD. So far (literally a couple of months as of typing) so good. It is doing it’s thing. I’m no better, and much more importantly no worse.

Yes, I have had questions about my Ocrevus, due to the lowering of one’s immune system, and feeling terrible for a while. But! This time of year everybody seems to pick up a ‘bug’ or 2. Even some bloody COVID – I didn’t – phew.

SAD. That’s S.A.D.

“Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. SAD is sometimes known as "winter depression" because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter. Some people with SAD may have symptoms during the summer and feel better during the winter.        NHS

HOWEVER! After a little Google into SAD – a positive diagnosis! I do not have SAD! The winter blues maybe. Overthinker 1millionpercent yes!


Ocrevus and winter. Maybe the winter has inadvertently led to slower mornings. As a ‘morning person’, I always have been of that character. Up, routine [work SAD FACE], function. Now, that seems to have taken a slow-down and some. Meh.

Then there’s ‘recluse Roger’. Without much point and or reasons to go out, I simply stay in! I’m cool with that; to a degree. At the same time, I am in love with my other (and of course, better) half. Catherine is beyond understanding and as a working single mam of 3 cracking children, the times we share together without doubt there and loved. Too many years living by myself partially to blame!

Aye, I have MS. Plain and simple it could simply be that. And as everybody, I am aging. Getting older. Babies are since the day they are born! That’s aging, from day 1.

A bit (lots of “bits” going on!) of this season affecting my desire, motivation and double-definitely energy. All these damn thing fit together with my fun (and managed best I can) central nervous system disease.

Still! I have a January birthday (enjoyed!) so all isn’t too bad!

What is your favourite season, and why?


  1. Michelle Jolley13 March 2024 at 22:46

    Spring is my favourite season Rog. When the weather turns and those flowers come out. X


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