Sunderland Airshow Noshow

Sunderland Airshow Noshow

The 30th Sunderland Air show has just been. I went to one many moons (arg! Missed the Blood Moon due to cloud coverage!) ago. I was there with the Newcastle City Pipe Band! That’s how long ago it was.

I did not go again. Different reasons why.

Location has kept me away ‘recently’ in truth. Yes, I still have an interest in aerospace all be it not as strong as used to be no longer working. I still proudly hold a good degree in aeronautical engineering that I attained at Glasgow Uni some time ago; that I put to use working in the industry.

In 2002 and 2003 when working as an Aerodynamicist for BAE Systems I saw and volunteered at the globally famous Farnborough Airshow that was fabulous! (I had a go on a Segway that was brand-new at that time and didn’t fall off. I would these days!)

Barriers built as to why I haven’t gone to the Sunderland equivalent? Yes. Regrettably? Yes really.

Not only was it Sunderland Airshow 2018; it was a good friend’s 40th! Happy birthday bud!

What were/are the reasons?


Yes, Sunderland is not too far away really being about 11 miles city to city (football says not far enough; different story! #Newcastle #United #NUFC), but then other over-thinkable logistics come into play.

The drive.

To a parking site be it a carpark or to park & ride site. Directions come into play these days SatNav or not.
Metro. A near-by station to Seaham is approximately 50 minutes, not including wait times or a guaranteed seat.


From said parking site or Metro station. Then actually being at the event itself - ideally for an all-day happening.


I have many amazing friends who all know of my condition. A long day start to finish with physical requirements not to be ignored when living with MS. I am sure support would be there if and when needed in whatever possible way. Here’s the ‘but’. I do not want to be that.

Optimistic, stubborn, acceptable, welcoming, some words that could describe my mindset; yet to miss something I know about already (aeroplanes) and not be a risk, the decision was made. Always another year!

Sorry Matt, I honestly did not have the energy for such travels. Us Brits are never weather-happy! Too cold, too hot, too wet and then there’s MS. Not a weather fan – snowflake disease that it is – pun chance taken! – everyone is different.

Too hot and humid for any worthwhile sleep only exasperates symptoms for me…

Missed airshow? In more ways than one. This whinge applies to more than Sunderland. My first whinging blog!

Still, it has cooled down and I have managed some sleep and ready for action at time of writing! What to do I wonder!


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