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Blog about a blog

Blog about a blog

It’s now fast (feels like anyway) approaching autumn 2017 and I have achieved a blogging target! May not seem like a massive target to some, but 10+k views make me happy and it’s down to you guys – humongous (recently heard the word!) thanks!

The subject title - “Blog about a blog” - Another confusing one? Would you expect anything else! I know there are other clearer ones… As I have no clear ‘event’ or similar to rattle on about, I will touch on some of my passions and their blog subject intent.

Looking at the About Me tab on my page, we have ‘Sport’ up top. More focused on Newcastle United Football Club (NUFC) really, and my early claim that “This will be an ongoing blog!”. Yet to start that I know. It is coming; with the Premiership title! Calm down Roj, dreaming is allowed. Champions League spot?

Newcastle United Football Club crest

Music. Pretty well covered with blogs as-is, but there is and will be no end in my musical journey. The day that ends, I will cry! Might have a new one coming soon if I get my finger out…

The Work’ bleep is also sadly covered – never say never that this is 100% finished – no additions currently. Grumble.

A 2-D diagram showing an aeroplane phugoid motion
MS! This (MS blogging topic) should receive more attention as it is my, err, thing, that I live with and respect. Until recently there was a great deal of medical and research projects highly visible if knowing where to look for them. Now though, that rush of advancements seems, to the public eye, to have slowed down. #Nonewsgoodnews? Let’s hope so!

Other Crack. Indeed! “Any other business” or just me adding some other subjects of interest:
Mathematical Pi
Pi; and (I said) Films. However, currently certain TV grabs one’s attention more so.

Yoda story. Enhance this story I will.

MS Phugoid. Think ups and downs.

“What do you do?” Killer dating question?

Food. This should NOT be at the end of this short summarised ‘contents list’ and will become – I strongly hope – a new page en route.
3 Red chillies
So that opens the door for me to stop messing about and not doing what I DO enjoy doing – and BLOG! The foundations are set.

Coming soon: more (fitting) pages to make this teaser worthwhile!


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