

Ocrevus. Notes 1

The infusion was completed at 1pm, and I was asked to wait for 15 minutes after the cannula had been removed.

I was told to take it easy for the rest of the day, that'd I'd be tired. Body not used to the new drug, nor my mind, given that I had been anxious about #Ocrevus day.

Ok then, I'll accept a lazy day. Was planning a curry takeaway anyway!

I am tired. A few nights of bad / poor sleep.

Ocrevus. Notes 2

Second infusion (second half dose) done by 1ish. Then again asked to rest for the day.

Yes, as per, I was tired. #Anxiety due to an earlier taxi booking (for 07:20), with the small alarm fear!

And also a few wake-ups during the night. Usual, but!

Prepared with laptop, phone (obviously), headphones, sarnie, bottle of water, and chargers in case. And a BBCi downloaded film. The same as my first unknown Ocrevus trip.

Slower start than last infusion, but after the paracetamols and antihistamine, the weak steroid infusion did its thing for half an hour; with a 40 minute resting period afterwards. Then Ocrevus began!

Funny Obs were measured. I had an apparent heart rate of 94 bpm! That's not me, and it sure as hell didn't feel like it. Next BPM counted? 110! No way! No palpitations, nor by my finger wrist counting either!

3rd Obs I flagged after the screen didn't flicker any change and showed 111. The white oxygen tester was put on my finger to measure BPM again... 64! That's more fucking like it!

Anyway, to the rest of the Ocrevus infusion. All went fine.  Aye, I had moments of tiredness - true to form lol - but that aside, with a good book on my phone kindle, and chatting to other patients I have no complaints!

Next infusion a full dose in summer 2024!

Looking back at the ‘Notes’ above, I am happy of what may’ve been over-preparation and anxiety. Yes, I have only just begun this journey, but the ‘testing’ first split-dose has been done and received well by my #MS body!

At time of writing this (18/12/23) it is not even a week since the last dose, and I feel somewhat lucky that so far it is only positive - touch wood - so, due to how it (Ocrevus) works (medical shpiel bypass) I am more likely to catch an infection. Just as well I am a bit of a recluse! 

What will be will be. Common sense. Carpe Diem. 

MS lives with me as an unwelcome guest. So I make it’s presence as challenging as possible for it - and try to reap the rewards of the battles I win.

Many of the MS battles are hugely unseen to the untrained eye. The only one who can guarantee ‘seeing’ them, is literally in the eye of the beholder.

It is December! A kick in the arse from #Christmas, time to enjoy the festivities! Have a great time everyone!


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