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Diet and exercise

As I have an interest in both diet and exercise, this was a no-brainer as a first choice; I live and love both!


Tracey Harrison was the presenter (a stand in, due to a sad bereavement) for the diet element – not ignoring exercise links it must be added; Manolis Sfakianakis to do / did the exercise part after Tracey.

Health food selection on a plateTracey brought a lot of energy with her interacting well with us all giving brilliant ‘diet data’ and how they relate, or can relate, to MS and other conditions using the presentation superbly.

I scribbled down:

·             Diet: Conflicting views’
o   in that there are SO many different ideas as to what is good for what and when; right and wrong; should shouldn’t; amounts; tried tested… I was listening, enjoying and focused best I could; so I have (of course) forgotten a bit!
o   Offers a sense of control
§  it’s your diet, your choice
o   Key to self management
§  Promoting good general health and wellbeing
·             ‘5-a-day, vitamin D, foods’
o   More I knew/know of and practice best I can. Aye, some say should be 10-a-day. Let them say!
·           ‘Exclusion diets’ (“The majority of these diets are ‘exclusion’ diets. Exclusion diets suggest that you stop eating one food or several groups of foods. Other diets suggest that some foods are only eaten at certain times and not combined with other foods.”), eg -SWANK; -best bet; -overcoming MS
·             ‘Hydration, obvious’
o   It – water as the base – is what we cannot do without, but it is easy’ish to try and do without/less in potential of not going to the bog as often. However that’s a ‘nil effect’ if anything the opposite as can open doors for UTIs etc. So do hydrate! Says umm, Dr Cook!(which I’m not, ha) As a decaf drinker I escape the effects caffeine can have, thankfully (it - decaf tea & coffee - taste ok)
·             ‘diet discussion’.
o   Talks about e.g. diary, gluten, low carb, paleo, & group discussion ‘what works for you’ etc.

At the end we opened to talk about and share our thoughts on what we thought and do. Lovely way to finish and then to thank Tracey leading directly onto Exercise! Really enjoyed the session!

To exercise…

Fit woman sitting holding a barbell and food

Hopefully this may've given an insight and more about MS diets.

For more of my Living with MS Edinburgh blog :-)


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