My life, my Story

A quick blog, as I have been writing something else for a while. The context below is a copy of some of the words - all hugely draft by the way - just to keep my Blogger alive!

My life, my Story so far, at 46 anyway. That is an opening line as I add to a, as I call it, something I wrote of a 'cathartic' means of downloading some mainly negative thoughts following what was an MS social activity.

There. That's an introduction to my world living wit
h Multiple Sclerosis. Hereafter as "MS" (M
y Story).

If it wasn't for the wonderful (I'm a sarcastic c**t (that swears) at times) neurological disease of #MS, I wouldn't have even thought that I would find myself, by choice, sitting in a Costa on one's Jack Jones (I am also very good at spouting shite!) effectively having a go at the start of a book! A book! I'm an engineer for fucks sake. Numbers not words.

Well, apparently everyone has a book in them. Ahem! Blogging is one thing, writing a book is another. Yet I'm hitting the flow now! Or that could be the caffeine.

Right. So I am an engineer with MS. Let the thriller continue.

And that's that. A thriller it is not!


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