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MS Sessions 2017 Prague - Sunday

MS Sessions 2017 Prague

Sunday 26th November 2017

My 50th blog belongs to MSSessions2017 Sunday! What a second day with the family of fellow MSers! Information galore with such a vibe. EVERYBODY fully loving it – so relaxed in that we all knew there was nothing to be ashamed of MS-wise; that cloud that exists dare I say ‘in the public all of the time’, but not at the Prague MS festival 2017!

Starting in the same place as Saturday with the same crew (I think!) and I was still a bit mutton Jeff, I was looking forward to the 'food' start with Conor!

Dr Conor Kerley

Nutrition - Dr. Conor Kerley

What about nutrition?

- We are food

SWANK dietary food ( good)

Conor a good talker going through a lot of data we know – some of us, not all – quickly and funnily!

- Vitamin D[RC1] 20 minutes sunshine = 20000 iu

Kerley’s rule! Shadow must be shorter (Remember Kerley's rule for #vitaminD production: your shadow should be shorter than you!)

- Foods with antioxidants protect the skin

Klava Novotna - Fitness leader

Improve cardio-respiratory, strength, mobility, mood

WALK MORE. 10000 steps a day; actually is 6500-8500 with MS

  • Start slowly
  • Choose short-term goal
  • Social support
  • Exercise variant for indoors and outdoors

General recommendations
We are all different
Mix it up
Consult personal trainer
Respect fatigue
Drink water

Lukas Hana

Be kind to the mind, etc. Think about yourself, your thinking in a caring manner
Mindfulness - 47% of the time people don’t concentrate on the job at hand I didn’t know that – useful site for us procrastinators!
Good talk about mindfulness. I know it.

Indian monkey coconut banana analogy 

*meta-awareness. Is on all the time

Headspace. Surf the urge. Traffic lights.

So a lot to think about! Ha! Very useful and all about us and our own thinking, thoughts and how to ‘manage’ them for the better!

Moira Tzitzika - sex therapist

Love, sex & MS

Talking candidly and funny and relaxed about sex and GPs’ questions.

3 levels of problems
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary

Good questioning - linked to tertiary problems; obviously (MS)

Shana Pezaro

How to be an advocate in your country (link is not UK!).

Shana’s story- the one she does; brilliantly

Tips for campaigning:

1. Doesn’t have to be a big ask
2. Brown-nose those who provide services (network!)
3. Reach top gun (highest of the chain you’re communicating with)
4. Be specific when contacting top gun
5. Speak of £ benefit
6. Get to know what’s available. Meet and speak
7. Join a political party. Easier from the inside
8. Make public campaign ideas (media mad)
10.             Smile smile smile!

To get more young members:
Use networks, neurologists - explain project, doctors* and nurses to talk about you, discussion groups, forums
*newly diagnosed “where do you go?” and explain how we know about, e.g. denial

GP patient groups at hospital; who organises/coordinates them

Key messages (in closing summary)

Be kind to yourself
Use tools that we’ve seen/been given
on the good

Anne Scott - founder of Girl Gone International

Saw a video at the start, about what it is

Community and community building
Psychologically bullied. Dark place. Made a friend via Facebook in Vienna.
*connections. Facebook - “meet up” site? She studied it and others (social media)

Building Community.

Social Media - is NOT a replacement for human to human contact.

Youtube video of 1 bloke dancing by himself that becomes loads on a hill. Human.

And that was it! The end of the festival; 2017! I am honoured to have been able to attend such a truly amazing and unique event. As I have said, I just got in due to my age and cannot be more thankful to for giving me the opportunity. Something I will not forget – that speaks volumes itself!

I wrote in my scribble pad two words that for me I thought of MSSessions2017 outside of what I have said so far.

Emotionally brilliant

Did I cry?! No! Did I do I view it as a game changer for me? Yes. A further and deeper understanding and acceptance of my condition and how better to live with it. Priceless.


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