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Taste of the Far East

Singapore noodles

A two dimensional picture of the world high-lightening Singapore

Another ‘blog meal’, somewhat different bringing in a taste of the far east, with Singapore noodles! Ideal for a 'less hassle' and quicker feed.

Come on, who doesn’t like the Chinese menu? Well, as we mostly know it via take-away! As a self-confessed foodie I search for and eat whatever; E.g. (thinking South East Asia) Thai, Vietnamese, Korean. So, this just looked to tick boxes for a night to conserve some energy and 'deliver' a tasty filling.

“Fast, healthy food at its best.” Sold. "It might seem like a strange combination, but the chicken, curry powder and prawns are a total winner," says cookbook author Joe Wicks. "If you don't fancy the combo, feel free to use either chicken or prawns - in which case, you'll need 250g chicken or 200g prawns."

I returned to chicken. Prawns are coming soon in (a) something or other.

Having the necessary bits (I chose no prawns, and no coriander (love not hate, just had none)!), I attacked the kitchen once more.


·         Ingredients:
·         15ml (1 tbsp) coconut oil
·         150g skinless chicken breast, sliced into 1cm thick strips (I used more weight)
·         15ml (1 tbsp) mild curry powder (or medium/hotter/whatever)
·         8 prawns, peeled (if using)
·         2 spring onions, roughly chopped
·         1 red chilli, roughly chopped - remove the seeds if you don't like it hot (I used more!)
·         1 clove garlic, roughly chopped (Never enough garlic. I used 3)
·         50g mange tout, cut in half
·         6 baby sweetcorn, cut in half
·         200g egg noodles
·         salt and pepper
·         juice of 1 lime
·         ¼ bunch of coriander, leaves only, roughly chopped


1) Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan over a high heat. Add the chicken and fry for 1 minute, turning it a couple of times. When the chicken is no longer pink, sprinkle half of the curry powder into the wok and stir to coat the chicken strips.

[That was different to how I usually go about it; but I tried it.]

2) Throw in the prawns and toss with the other ingredients. (No prawns; didn’t have)

3) Add the spring onions, chili, garlic, mange tout and sweetcorn and stir-fry for about 2 minutes or until the prawns are pink and the chicken is cooked through. Check the chicken by slicing into one of the larger pieces to make sure the meat is white all the way through, with no raw pink bits left.

Pan full of cooked noodles

4) Add the noodles, along with about 2 tablespoons of water - this will help to loosen any ingredients that may have stuck to the wok or pan, as well as helping to separate the noodles.

5) Sprinkle in the rest of the curry powder and season generously with salt and pepper. Toss everything together before piling the noodles onto a plate, drizzling over the lime juice and finishing with the chopped coriander (or not!)

Easy. Well. Theoretically it should be; practice? I'll say not as easy as it should be. However! You can see I did it and it was not that challenging; which at times is welcome.

That is three 'Lean in 15' recipes ticked-off this, dare I say, my food blog list. Enjoyable really, just have another idea...

Stay tuned for whatever is coming next!


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